Queensland Government releases 2021 Queensland Exploration Program
The Queensland Government has released the 2021 Queensland Exploration Program (QEP). The QEP provides a release schedule of exploration opportunities for greenhouse gas storage areas and petroleum and gas across Queensland.
It outlines the tender process (tenders open in December 2021) and provides details on the location of each exploration tender area and the timing of each competitive tender process. In addition, the QEP includes an extensive communication and engagement program to help other interested parties be aware of, and prepare for, exploration and mining activities in their areas.
All industry expressions of interest (EOIs) received through the EOI processes undertaken earlier in 2021 were considered for inclusion in the QEP.
The table below outlines the planned competitive tendering exploration releases in the 2021 QEP.

Who are the GasFields Commission Queensland?
Established as an independent statutory body in 2013, the Commission’s purpose is to manage and improve the sustainable coexistence of landholders, regional communities and the onshore gas industry in Queensland. The Commission manages sustainable coexistence in petroleum and gas producing regions of Queensland, and will continue to do so as the industry expands into new and emerging basins.
Our vision is to achieve thriving communities in areas of gas development that are free from discord and supported by well-informed, respectful and balanced stakeholder relationships.
One way the Commission is endeavouring to realise this vision is by providing transparency and independent assurances that the onshore gas industry is appropriately regulated and held to account when needed. This in turn will help cultivate sustainable coexistence, whilst ensuring community and landholder confidence in the regulators and gas industry increases.
Drawing on its wealth of experience in the development of the gas industry and by collaborating with other relevant entities, the Commission provides a range of support to communities and landholders, primarily through education and engagement. These education and engagement activities occur with individual landholders via Commission facilitated webinars, information sessions, publications (The Gas Guide, Shared Landscapes Reports), face-to-face meetings and public workshops.
It should be noted that the Commission does not engage in individual negotiations between landholders and gas companies, but rather provides communities and landholders with the information and support they need to make informed decisions and achieve good outcomes.